Who wants fame?


   All of us have our roles and positions in life which we need to play. All of us make the transition from a baby to a child, to a full grown man, but for some people, there is no such experience like childhood. Don't agree? Let's dig this concept deeper.

There was a small, beautiful village in Indiana, United States which was known for its brilliant dancers. You would be surprised to know that seven out of every ten adults in the village were dancers; all of them skilled in different styles. In that village, lived a small boy living with his six other siblings and parents. Their father was a discipined, austere dancer who used to train their kids harshly. For every mistake they made, they were brutally beaten up. And the boy marked the highest frequency for making blunders. So, inevitably, he had the greatest number of red marks on his body. Though he made errors, he was a brilliant dancer. He would practise day and night, and overtime, he became a huge sensation while he was still young. Long lines of people waited to see him perform on stage. Reaching the age of just 17, he got tired of his stardom! Can you believe it? He used to run and hide in his room during his performances and refused to go in front of the crowd. His father forced him to go perform on stage and there he danced reluctantly. Throughout his life, he earned great popularity; people were head over heels in love with him and he is still considered one of the greatest dancers ever born on this planet.

But there was one thing he was always upset about. He couldn't live his childhood. Being a kid, he was treated as a professional dancer. He couldn't do anything like other normal kids. When he tried to, others would just gather around him and ask for pictures and photographs, never letting him feel as a normal kid.

It's such an irony that we aspire to be famous one day and famous people long to live normal lives.

This great legend always had this regret that he could not cherish his childhood.


We are lucky to have received such a beautiful life to live. And we waste most of it either thinking about the past or dreaming for future. We need to learn to enjoy the present; we need to learn to value those small memorable experiences which we usually disregard. When we are about to die, taking in the last breadth, these are the moments which are going to make us satisfied and happy. When we know the importance of the 'present', why to waste it?
Enjoy your life. Make other people happy. Make your life worth something. If you can do it, people will involuntarily recognise and praise you. 

Running behind fame is worthless. Do something great that fame runs behind you. 


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