
Showing posts from 2018

Being Human

  WHY HUMANITIES?!                               Why Humanities? This is a " question" which frequently comes across people when there are students like me who love Humanities more than anything else. Why is the youth facing this question? Is the stream not worth it? Don't we have the right to choose our careers? Why isn't the stream placed parallel to Science and Commerce?                                                Believe me, I have faced these questions from the very second I chose to pursue Humanities. Being a class topper, everybody including my parents, teachers, relatives, friends and myself had the preconception that " Science"  stream is the best for me. I was so sure that I will be studying Science and Mathematics in my high school period. But I realised that my decision was primarily based on the social conditioning my mind had gone through all these years. My father is a doctor, so from childhood itself I was seen as a stude

Who wants fame?

A REGRET YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE    All of us have our roles and positions in life which we need to play. All of us make the transition from a baby to a child, to a full grown man, but for some people, there is no such experience like childhood. Don't agree? Let's dig this concept deeper. There was a small, beautiful village in Indiana, United States which was known for its brilliant dancers. You would be surprised to know that seven out of every ten adults in the village were dancers; all of them skilled in different styles. In that village, lived a small boy living with his six other siblings and parents. Their father was a discipined, austere dancer who used to train their kids harshly. For every mistake they made, they were brutally beaten up. And the boy marked the highest frequency for making blunders. So, inevitably, he had the greatest number of red marks on his body. Though he made errors, he was a brilliant dancer. He would practise day and night, and overtime,


 EXCELLENCE के पीछे भागो             Before introducing my idea on excellence, I would like to ask you one simple question. What do you want from life the most? There are infinite answers possible: a big house, a new car, a successful business, more money, good health, perfect relationship, more recognition, basically SUCCESS . You want it; I want it; I'm pretty sure each and every person on this planet wants to achieve success in one form or other. This desire to achieve success is good. It pushes us to cross our boundaries and step out of our comfort zones. If you want to achieve success, you have taken the first step precisely just by having that innate desire.  The next step is where the majority of people make mistakes. We want to achieve success so badly that at a point of time, it becomes our only major priority. We begin finding the best suitable ways that will lead us to success in the least period of time. We start forgetting one crucial term namely ' pati